Freitag, 20. März 2015

Goodbye - See You Later

Something that is part of my daily life routine is distance. From my "About Me" or earlier posts you will know that I have a American father and a German mother and we live in Germany. My dad's family though, and some of my best and closest friends live in the states. I feel like long distance relationships is something you read about a lot. People who fall in love, but live miles away from each other and are willing to give their relationship a try. Barely anyone talks about the friendships. Is that not a common thing? Having best friends living across the world? Do people not have best friends on the other side of the world? I don't mean being separated for a year for Work&Travel, I mean constantly. And what about your family on the other side of the planet? Don't you love them as much as the ones close around you? 

Today I would like to give you a little insight on my "long distance friendships". Like I said some of my best friends live in the USA. The distance from my town to where they are from is 6,269km/3.728miles. A flight from my nearest airport to theirs takes about eight hours. That is a lot of distance isn't it? We're so far away from each other. A lot of people have said to me "you do know you won't be friends with them forever, right? They're too far away." I don't believe that. I don't agree. When I first met one of them six years ago because of a exchange program, she wasn't even staying with me. She was staying with a friend of mine, but it was me and her who became so close. Six years later and I have seen her almost every year. We have traveled other countries than Germany and America together. We have climbed the Eiffel Tower, a glacier in Norway. We went to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and danced in the rain on a dutch beach. This May we are going to ride donkeys in Greece and explore the beautiful island that is Santorini. This is a special friendship, let me tell you. Through her I have met her sisters, who I adore, and one of her best friends who I am now lucky enough to call one of my best friends as well.  

"Long distance BFF's" is what we like to call each other. It's our hashtag. It isn't as hard as anyone says it is, you know? I talk to them on a daily basis, even if its just a quick text saying "hey". We keep each other updated about ours lives. It will sound weird, but the great thing about a long distance friendship is that we aren't around all the time. We don't know each others friends personally, we have just heard stories about them. We can tell each other everything, be completely honest with each other just because we aren't around. Does that make sense? It is so easy to talk to someone who is impartial. To have someone listen to what is going on and have them give us advice. Our friends on the other side of the world might see things in another perspective and help us to get our thoughts in order. I tell my best friends everything. I cherish them so much. We are each others biggest supporters, our rocks in not so great time. All that with distance, without being psychically there. So no, having best friends on the other side of the world isn't hard. Its the best thing and the worst thing at the same time. The best thing because if they're true friends, like mine, you can always count on them. Because we are so far away from each other, we always reply to each others text, we send little gifts - we just make a little bit more effort. When we see each other in the summer or over Christmas break we always do fun things to make the visit as special as possible. The worst thing about it is obvious: we don't get to see each other a lot. 

I miss them, so much. But I am lucky to know them because they are some of the most interesting and special persons I have ever met. They're hard workers and smart and intelligent and beautiful. They deserve this blog post. 

To you, you know who you are: thank you for being my best friend on the other side of the world. See you soon! 

I will upload a blog post about having family on the other side of the world soon.

Thanks for reading! If you have family or friends that live far away from you feel free to email me ( or tweet me @germerican_lj - I would love to hear your tips and experiences.

X's & O's.


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